Dr Aurel Jivi

Father Aurel Jivi was born in Chişoda, county of Timiş, Romania, on August 2, 1943. He took his first degree from the Sibiu Theological Institute in 1967 and then a master’s degree in Theology from McCormick Theological Seminary, Chicago in 1973. He completed his doctoral studies at the Bucharest Theological Institute in 1982, with a dissertation about “Orthodoxy in America”. He became a full-time professor at the Sibiu Theological Institute, Department of Universal Church History, in 1983; he also taught at the Faculty of Theology in Oradea, and lectured for several universities in the US and Britain. He was ordained an Orthodox priest in 1993. He wrote extensively on topics related to his field of research, but he was also a proficient translator. He passed away in Sibiu, in 2002. May he rest in peace!

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Wednesday, 18 March 2009

Important Notice from the Editors of "Orthodox Christianity"

Brothers and sisters!

We are pleased to announce you that a new full-text search system covering the whole Orthodox Internet www.Orthodox-Search.com has been launched.

What makes our service unique is the ability of the search engine to index over 7000 Orthodox sites all over the world Orthodox Internet, while the search index is updated daily thanks to the Google CSE technology. One can submit his search request using the simple search interface, as well as the advanced search form available on the webpage http://www.orthodox-christianity.org/advanced.php. The search results include only the Orthodox websites listed in the Directory www.orthodox-christianity.org, the search results are thereby protected from garbage and exactly match the search request. You can submit your search request on any of the webpages of the Directory, or, alternatively, you can use the simple search interface www.Orthodox-Search.com.

The search service is available in English, Russian, Serbian, Romanian, Greek, German, French, Italian, Spanish, Bulgarian and many other (over 20) world languages. Besides, the search covers only those pages of the Orthodox Internet whose language matches that of the current interface of the search system.

In Christ,
editors of the directory "Orthodox Christianity",